The Burning Ones of Glory

August 18, 2024

Series: Burning Ones

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan dives into the intense experience of worship, cleansing, commissioning, and judgment in God’s throne room as described in Ezekiel 1, 9, and 10. Drawing connections to the disciples’ eye-opening journey to Emmaus in Luke 24, we see Christians encounter God through His Word and how His presence can truly change us. The vivid description of the throne room with the Four Living Creatures, angels, and worshipful beings showcases the beauty and greatness of God’s kingdom.

Cleansing, commissioning, and judgment can all be found in the throne room. This brings to light the active scene of worship and adoration surrounding God’s throne. The idea of being marked by God and the protection it provides during times of chaos is highlighted, showing God’s care and provision for His people. Ultimately, the message encourages listeners to carry that sense of God’s presence and worship beyond the church walls and let it impact their lives in a powerful way.