Wilderness to Wilderness

August 25, 2024

Scripture: Exodus 3, Exodus 19

In this sermon, Pastor Nathan delves into the narrative of Moses encountering God in the wilderness at Mount Horeb, emphasizing the significance of humility and reverence before the Lord. Drawing parallels between the burning bush and Jesus wearing a crown of thorns, Pastor Nathan explores the symbolism of the wilderness as a place of redemption and reconciliation with God. Through Moses’ experience, he underscores the importance of trusting in God’s timing and instructions, even during challenging wilderness seasons in our lives. The message emphasizes the need for consecration and a deep connection with God’s word in order to navigate through the wilderness and experience spiritual growth.

As Pastor Nathan discusses the commandments given by God to the Israelites in the wilderness, he points out the foundational principle of loving God above all else to establish healthy relationships with others. By showcasing Moses’ journey from the burning bush to leading the Israelites through the wilderness, the sermon challenges listeners to seek God’s presence and faith during their own wilderness experiences. The overarching theme highlights the importance of drawing closer to God in times of hardship, viewing the wilderness not as a place of abandonment, but as an opportunity for atonement and reconciliation with the Father.